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Dask (dagster-dask)

See also the Dask deployment guide.

dagster_dask.dask_executor ExecutorDefinition

Dask-based executor.

The ‘cluster’ can be one of the following: (‘existing’, ‘local’, ‘yarn’, ‘ssh’, ‘pbs’, ‘moab’, ‘sge’, ‘lsf’, ‘slurm’, ‘oar’, ‘kube’).

If the Dask executor is used without providing executor-specific config, a local Dask cluster will be created (as when calling dask.distributed.Client() with dask.distributed.LocalCluster()).

The Dask executor optionally takes the following config:

local?: # takes distributed.LocalCluster parameters
timeout?: 5, # Timeout duration for initial connection to the scheduler
n_workers?: 4 # Number of workers to start
threads_per_worker?: 1 # Number of threads per each worker

To use the dask_executor, set it as the executor_def when defining a job:

from dagster import job
from dagster_dask import dask_executor

def dask_enabled_job():