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A Job binds a Graph and the resources it needs to be executable.

Jobs are created by calling GraphDefinition.to_job() on a graph instance, or using the job decorator.


Creates a job with the specified parameters from the decorated graph/op invocation function.

Using this decorator allows you to build an executable job by writing a function that invokes ops (or graphs).


  • (Callable[... (compose_fn) – The decorated function. The body should contain op or graph invocations. Unlike op

  • Any] – The decorated function. The body should contain op or graph invocations. Unlike op

  • name (Optional[str]) – The name for the Job. Defaults to the name of the this graph.

  • resource_defs (Optional[Mapping[str, object]]) – Resources that are required by this graph for execution.

  • config

    Describes how the job is parameterized at runtime.

    If no value is provided, then the schema for the job’s run config is a standard format based on its ops and resources.

    If a dictionary is provided, then it must conform to the standard config schema, and it will be used as the job’s run config for the job whenever the job is executed. The values provided will be viewable and editable in the Dagster UI, so be careful with secrets.

    If a RunConfig object is provided, then it will be used directly as the run config for the job whenever the job is executed, similar to providing a dictionary.

    If a ConfigMapping object is provided, then the schema for the job’s run config is determined by the config mapping, and the ConfigMapping, which should return configuration in the standard format to configure the job.

  • tags (Optional[Mapping[str, object]]) – A set of key-value tags that annotate the job and can

  • run_tags (Optional[Mapping[str, object]]) – A set of key-value tags that will be automatically attached to runs launched by this

  • metadata (Optional[Dict[str, RawMetadataValue]]) – Arbitrary information that will be attached to the JobDefinition and be viewable in the Dagster UI.

  • logger_defs (Optional[Dict[str, LoggerDefinition]]) – A dictionary of string logger identifiers to their implementations.

  • executor_def (Optional[ExecutorDefinition]) – How this Job will be executed. Defaults to multiprocess_executor .

  • op_retry_policy (Optional[RetryPolicy]) – The default retry policy for all ops in this job.

  • partitions_def (Optional[PartitionsDefinition]) – Defines a discrete set of partition keys

  • input_values (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – A dictionary that maps python objects to the top-level inputs of a job.


def return_one():
return 1

def add_one(in1):
return in1 + 1

def job1():
class dagster.JobDefinition

Defines a Dagster job.


Execute the Job in-process, gathering results in-memory.

The executor_def on the Job will be ignored, and replaced with the in-process executor. If using the default io_manager, it will switch from filesystem to in-memory.


  • (Optional[Mapping[str (run_config) – The configuration for the run
  • Any]] – The configuration for the run
  • instance (Optional[DagsterInstance]) – The instance to execute against, an ephemeral one will be used if none provided.
  • partition_key – (Optional[str])
  • raise_on_error (Optional[bool]) – Whether or not to raise exceptions when they occur.
  • op_selection (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – A list of op selection queries (including single op
  • input_values (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – A dictionary that maps python objects to the top-level inputs of the job. Input
  • resources (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – The resources needed if any are required. Can provide resource instances directly,

Returns: ExecuteInProcessResult


This API will be removed in version 2.0.0. Directly instantiate RunRequest(partition_key=...) instead..

Creates a RunRequest object for a run that processes the given partition.


  • partition_key – The key of the partition to request a run for.
  • run_key (Optional[str]) – A string key to identify this launched run. For sensors, ensures that
  • tags (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – A dictionary of tags (string key-value pairs) to attach
  • (Optional[Mapping[str (run_config) – Configuration for the run. If the job has
  • Any]] – Configuration for the run. If the job has
  • current_time (Optional[datetime]) – Used to determine which time-partitions exist.
  • dynamic_partitions_store (Optional[DynamicPartitionsStore]) – The DynamicPartitionsStore

Returns: an object that requests a run to process the given partition.Return type: RunRequest


Apply a set of hooks to all op instances within the job.


Apply a set of resources to all op instances within the job.

property config_mapping

The config mapping for the job, if it has one.

A config mapping defines a way to map a top-level config schema to run config for the job.

property executor_def

Returns the default ExecutorDefinition for the job.

If the user has not specified an executor definition, then this will default to the multi_or_in_process_executor(). If a default is specified on the Definitions object the job was provided to, then that will be used instead.

property has_specified_executor

Returns True if this job has explicitly specified an executor, and False if the executor was inherited through defaults or the Definitions object the job was provided to.

property has_specified_loggers

Returns true if the job explicitly set loggers, and False if loggers were inherited through defaults or the Definitions object the job was provided to.

property loggers

Returns the set of LoggerDefinition objects specified on the job.

If the user has not specified a mapping of LoggerDefinition objects, then this will default to the colored_console_logger() under the key console. If a default is specified on the Definitions object the job was provided to, then that will be used instead.

property partitioned_config

The partitioned config for the job, if it has one.

A partitioned config defines a way to map partition keys to run config for the job.

property partitions_def

Returns the PartitionsDefinition for the job, if it has one.

A partitions definition defines the set of partition keys the job operates on.

property resource_defs

Returns the set of ResourceDefinition objects specified on the job.

This may not be the complete set of resources required by the job, since those can also be provided on the Definitions object the job may be provided to.

Reconstructable jobs

class dagster.reconstructable

Create a ReconstructableJob from a function that returns a JobDefinition/JobDefinition, or a function decorated with @job.

When your job must cross process boundaries, e.g., for execution on multiple nodes or in different systems (like dagstermill), Dagster must know how to reconstruct the job on the other side of the process boundary.

Passing a job created with ~dagster.GraphDefinition.to_job to reconstructable(), requires you to wrap that job’s definition in a module-scoped function, and pass that function instead:

from dagster import graph, reconstructable

def my_graph():

def define_my_job():
return my_graph.to_job()


This function implements a very conservative strategy for reconstruction, so that its behavior is easy to predict, but as a consequence it is not able to reconstruct certain kinds of jobs or jobs, such as those defined by lambdas, in nested scopes (e.g., dynamically within a method call), or in interactive environments such as the Python REPL or Jupyter notebooks.

If you need to reconstruct objects constructed in these ways, you should use build_reconstructable_job() instead, which allows you to specify your own reconstruction strategy.


from dagster import job, reconstructable

def foo_job():

reconstructable_foo_job = reconstructable(foo_job)

def foo():

def make_bar_job():
return foo.to_job()

reconstructable_bar_job = reconstructable(make_bar_job)

This API may break in future versions, even between dot releases.

Create a dagster._core.definitions.reconstructable.ReconstructableJob.

When your job must cross process boundaries, e.g., for execution on multiple nodes or in different systems (like dagstermill), Dagster must know how to reconstruct the job on the other side of the process boundary.

This function allows you to use the strategy of your choice for reconstructing jobs, so that you can reconstruct certain kinds of jobs that are not supported by reconstructable(), such as those defined by lambdas, in nested scopes (e.g., dynamically within a method call), or in interactive environments such as the Python REPL or Jupyter notebooks.

If you need to reconstruct jobs constructed in these ways, use this function instead of reconstructable().


  • reconstructor_module_name (str) – The name of the module containing the function to use to
  • reconstructor_function_name (str) – The name of the function to use to reconstruct the
  • reconstructable_args (Tuple) – Args to the function to use to reconstruct the job.
  • reconstructable_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Kwargs to the function to use to reconstruct the


# module: mymodule

from dagster import JobDefinition, job, build_reconstructable_job

class JobFactory:
def make_job(*args, **kwargs):

def _job(...):

return _job

def reconstruct_job(*args):
factory = JobFactory()
return factory.make_job(*args)

factory = JobFactory()

foo_job_args = (...,...)

foo_job_kwargs = {...:...}

foo_job = factory.make_job(*foo_job_args, **foo_job_kwargs)

reconstructable_foo_job = build_reconstructable_job(